Hi, I'm Santiago đź‘‹
Softwareentwickler spezialisiert auf Java, Kubernetes und Spring Boot. DevOps- und Cloud-Enthusiast. Erfahren in ReactJs und VueJs


Software-Entwickler mit Leidenschaft für cloud-native Lösungen, die den Alltag vereinfachen. Fundierte Kenntnisse in Java und Kubernetes, gepaart mit Begeisterung für DevOps und Innovation. Funktionale Programmierung inspiriert mich, elegante und effiziente Systeme zu gestalten. Stets auf der Jagd nach spannenden Herausforderungen, bei denen ich mein Fachwissen einsetzen kann, um etwas zu bewirken und gleichzeitig meine eigenen Grenzen zu erweitern.

Interest Information

Kubernetes Fan


Working with Kubernetes has revolutionized our application management and deployment processes. The efficiency and reliability achieved are unparalleled.
DevOps Enthusiast


Implementing DevOps principles has significantly enhanced our development workflow. GitLab has become an indispensable tool for version control and project collaboration.
Spring Boot Developer


Using Spring Boot for developing enterprise applications has been incredibly rewarding. The framework's robustness and flexibility are impressive.
Kubernetes Fan


Working with Kubernetes has revolutionized our application management and deployment processes. The efficiency and reliability achieved are unparalleled.
DevOps Enthusiast


Implementing DevOps principles has significantly enhanced our development workflow. GitLab has become an indispensable tool for version control and project collaboration.
Spring Boot Developer


Using Spring Boot for developing enterprise applications has been incredibly rewarding. The framework's robustness and flexibility are impressive.
Kubernetes Fan


Working with Kubernetes has revolutionized our application management and deployment processes. The efficiency and reliability achieved are unparalleled.
DevOps Enthusiast


Implementing DevOps principles has significantly enhanced our development workflow. GitLab has become an indispensable tool for version control and project collaboration.
Spring Boot Developer


Using Spring Boot for developing enterprise applications has been incredibly rewarding. The framework's robustness and flexibility are impressive.
Database Guru


Managing databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle has ensured our data management is both efficient and reliable.
Docker Advocate


Leveraging Docker for managing development environments has streamlined our workflow and improved consistency across different stages of development.
Open Source Contributor


Contributing to open-source projects using Next.js and Nuxt.js has been a fulfilling experience, allowing for continuous learning and collaboration.
Database Guru


Managing databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle has ensured our data management is both efficient and reliable.
Docker Advocate


Leveraging Docker for managing development environments has streamlined our workflow and improved consistency across different stages of development.
Open Source Contributor


Contributing to open-source projects using Next.js and Nuxt.js has been a fulfilling experience, allowing for continuous learning and collaboration.
Database Guru


Managing databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle has ensured our data management is both efficient and reliable.
Docker Advocate


Leveraging Docker for managing development environments has streamlined our workflow and improved consistency across different stages of development.
Open Source Contributor


Contributing to open-source projects using Next.js and Nuxt.js has been a fulfilling experience, allowing for continuous learning and collaboration.
Kubernetes Fan


Working with Kubernetes has revolutionized our application management and deployment processes. The efficiency and reliability achieved are unparalleled.
DevOps Enthusiast


Implementing DevOps principles has significantly enhanced our development workflow. GitLab has become an indispensable tool for version control and project collaboration.
Spring Boot Developer


Using Spring Boot for developing enterprise applications has been incredibly rewarding. The framework's robustness and flexibility are impressive.
Kubernetes Fan


Working with Kubernetes has revolutionized our application management and deployment processes. The efficiency and reliability achieved are unparalleled.
DevOps Enthusiast


Implementing DevOps principles has significantly enhanced our development workflow. GitLab has become an indispensable tool for version control and project collaboration.
Spring Boot Developer


Using Spring Boot for developing enterprise applications has been incredibly rewarding. The framework's robustness and flexibility are impressive.
Kubernetes Fan


Working with Kubernetes has revolutionized our application management and deployment processes. The efficiency and reliability achieved are unparalleled.
DevOps Enthusiast


Implementing DevOps principles has significantly enhanced our development workflow. GitLab has become an indispensable tool for version control and project collaboration.
Spring Boot Developer


Using Spring Boot for developing enterprise applications has been incredibly rewarding. The framework's robustness and flexibility are impressive.
Database Guru


Managing databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle has ensured our data management is both efficient and reliable.
Docker Advocate


Leveraging Docker for managing development environments has streamlined our workflow and improved consistency across different stages of development.
Open Source Contributor


Contributing to open-source projects using Next.js and Nuxt.js has been a fulfilling experience, allowing for continuous learning and collaboration.
Database Guru


Managing databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle has ensured our data management is both efficient and reliable.
Docker Advocate


Leveraging Docker for managing development environments has streamlined our workflow and improved consistency across different stages of development.
Open Source Contributor


Contributing to open-source projects using Next.js and Nuxt.js has been a fulfilling experience, allowing for continuous learning and collaboration.
Database Guru


Managing databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle has ensured our data management is both efficient and reliable.
Docker Advocate


Leveraging Docker for managing development environments has streamlined our workflow and improved consistency across different stages of development.
Open Source Contributor


Contributing to open-source projects using Next.js and Nuxt.js has been a fulfilling experience, allowing for continuous learning and collaboration.
Kubernetes Fan


Working with Kubernetes has revolutionized our application management and deployment processes. The efficiency and reliability achieved are unparalleled.
DevOps Enthusiast


Implementing DevOps principles has significantly enhanced our development workflow. GitLab has become an indispensable tool for version control and project collaboration.
Spring Boot Developer


Using Spring Boot for developing enterprise applications has been incredibly rewarding. The framework's robustness and flexibility are impressive.
Kubernetes Fan


Working with Kubernetes has revolutionized our application management and deployment processes. The efficiency and reliability achieved are unparalleled.
DevOps Enthusiast


Implementing DevOps principles has significantly enhanced our development workflow. GitLab has become an indispensable tool for version control and project collaboration.
Spring Boot Developer


Using Spring Boot for developing enterprise applications has been incredibly rewarding. The framework's robustness and flexibility are impressive.
Kubernetes Fan


Working with Kubernetes has revolutionized our application management and deployment processes. The efficiency and reliability achieved are unparalleled.
DevOps Enthusiast


Implementing DevOps principles has significantly enhanced our development workflow. GitLab has become an indispensable tool for version control and project collaboration.
Spring Boot Developer


Using Spring Boot for developing enterprise applications has been incredibly rewarding. The framework's robustness and flexibility are impressive.
Database Guru


Managing databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle has ensured our data management is both efficient and reliable.
Docker Advocate


Leveraging Docker for managing development environments has streamlined our workflow and improved consistency across different stages of development.
Open Source Contributor


Contributing to open-source projects using Next.js and Nuxt.js has been a fulfilling experience, allowing for continuous learning and collaboration.
Database Guru


Managing databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle has ensured our data management is both efficient and reliable.
Docker Advocate


Leveraging Docker for managing development environments has streamlined our workflow and improved consistency across different stages of development.
Open Source Contributor


Contributing to open-source projects using Next.js and Nuxt.js has been a fulfilling experience, allowing for continuous learning and collaboration.
Database Guru


Managing databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle has ensured our data management is both efficient and reliable.
Docker Advocate


Leveraging Docker for managing development environments has streamlined our workflow and improved consistency across different stages of development.
Open Source Contributor


Contributing to open-source projects using Next.js and Nuxt.js has been a fulfilling experience, allowing for continuous learning and collaboration.

Personal projects

NextJs - Spring Boot

Java & Microservices

Spring cloud, Zipkin, RabbitMQ, Elastic Search


CI/CD VueJs and Spring Security and SATS

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates many of the manual processes involved in deploying, managing, and scaling containerized applications.
This spreadsheet outlines various DevOps practices, including continuous integration, continuous deployment, infrastructure as code, and monitoring.
This Scalable Vector Graphics file contains a detailed architecture diagram showcasing the deployment and infrastructure setup of a microservices application using Kubernetes and Docker.
This GPG-encrypted file contains a backup of critical configuration files and environment variables used in our production environment.
This text file contains step-by-step instructions for recovering systems and data in the event of a disaster, including the use of backup seed phrases and GPG keys.
Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates many of the manual processes involved in deploying, managing, and scaling containerized applications.
This spreadsheet outlines various DevOps practices, including continuous integration, continuous deployment, infrastructure as code, and monitoring.
This Scalable Vector Graphics file contains a detailed architecture diagram showcasing the deployment and infrastructure setup of a microservices application using Kubernetes and Docker.
This GPG-encrypted file contains a backup of critical configuration files and environment variables used in our production environment.
This text file contains step-by-step instructions for recovering systems and data in the event of a disaster, including the use of backup seed phrases and GPG keys.
Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates many of the manual processes involved in deploying, managing, and scaling containerized applications.
This spreadsheet outlines various DevOps practices, including continuous integration, continuous deployment, infrastructure as code, and monitoring.
This Scalable Vector Graphics file contains a detailed architecture diagram showcasing the deployment and infrastructure setup of a microservices application using Kubernetes and Docker.
This GPG-encrypted file contains a backup of critical configuration files and environment variables used in our production environment.
This text file contains step-by-step instructions for recovering systems and data in the event of a disaster, including the use of backup seed phrases and GPG keys.
Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates many of the manual processes involved in deploying, managing, and scaling containerized applications.
This spreadsheet outlines various DevOps practices, including continuous integration, continuous deployment, infrastructure as code, and monitoring.
This Scalable Vector Graphics file contains a detailed architecture diagram showcasing the deployment and infrastructure setup of a microservices application using Kubernetes and Docker.
This GPG-encrypted file contains a backup of critical configuration files and environment variables used in our production environment.
This text file contains step-by-step instructions for recovering systems and data in the event of a disaster, including the use of backup seed phrases and GPG keys.

Cloud - Architecture

DDD, Kubernetes, Helm, Istio

Work Experience



Januar 2022 - Gegenwärtig
Beitrag zur Unterstützung und Modernisierung von Java EE-Anwendungen. Entwicklung verteilter Lösungen mit React und Spring Boot 3. Implementierung von Deployment-Pipelines mit Helm für Cloud-Anwendungen. Erfahrung in der Arbeit mit Servern wie Tomcat, WebLogic und JBoss. Support für Datenbanken wie MySQL, OracleDB und Postgres geleistet. Förderung von DevOps-Praktiken im Entwicklungszyklus zur Verbesserung der Stabilität und Leistung mit dem Ziel, Entwicklungszyklen zu beschleunigen.


Juni 2019 - Januar 2022
Entwicklung von Unternehmensanwendungen mit Spring Boot, Spring Security, Docker und JavaScript. Implementierung robuster Komponenten mit Java und Verwaltung von Entwicklungsumgebungen mit Docker.


Unir - University of La Rioja
2023 - 2024
Master's Degree in Computer Science and Software Analysis
University of Bremen
2018 - 2021
Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science
San Buenaventura University
2010 - 2016
Bachelor´s in Sound Engineering


Spring Framework


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Want to chat? Just shoot me a dm twitter or linkedIn and I'll respond whenever I can. I will ignore all soliciting.